SUNO Fashion

Zanzibari women, 1890s

Blog post on Kangas

Zanzibari woman

Social Fabric: Africa's Textiles Today 
The British Museum
Curated by Chris Spring

14 Feb - 21 April 2013

Square printed cloth from Comoros Islands, type which has been traded by the Portuguese to Eastern Africa for centuries.

Two Makua women of northern Mozambique in the late 19th century wearing head scarves known as lenço and wrap around cloth capulana. The ‘Paisley’ pattern worn by the woman on the left became immensely popular in eastern Africa because of its similarity to the shape of the cashew nut which symbolises wealth and fertility.

                 Printed cloth Samakaka worn by men and women of the Herero people of Angola

Festival of African Fashion and Arts
Fashion for Peace 2012

By Kenyan designer John Kaveke for London Fashion Week, 2012

Photo by Severine Beer
CO 1069-228-16

Swaziland, 1945
Colonial Office Photographic Collection (The National Archives)
CO 1069-176-7

Coutinho Brothers Photographers, Zanzibar
Colonial Office Photographic Collection (The National Archives)
CO 1069-157-51

Photo from the Colonial Office Photographic Collection (The National Archives)